Andrew’s first camera didn't even take pictures but it was enough to get him hooked. Born in LA, raised all over, living in San Francisco, Andrew (or Andy as his Mom prefers) has been photographing and filming the world for most of his life.
He considers it a privilege to have traveled to all seven continents and over seventy-five countries in pursuit of compelling images. Clients ranging from major networks and corporations to non-profits and small companies have trusted him to bring their story to the screen. His 2016 efforts on "Super Hummingbirds" for PBS Nature brought a national News & Documentary Emmy win for 2017 Outstanding Cinematography in a Documentary. In 2019, Andy was proud to produce, direct and shoot a 3 part series in association with streaming service YouKu entitled “Between the Sea and Shore”. This innovative production features the Chinese superstar actor Eddie Peng and takes the viewer around the world to highlight the various challenges sea turtles face in their bid for survival. It has been viewed more than 30 million times since it’s release in December of 2019.
When not writing about himself in the third person or taking selfies for his website, Andy loves to spend as much time outdoors photographing his favorite subject, mother nature. In addition to a never ending quest to find the humor in every situation, he also likes to call himself flexible, resourceful and fun. These qualities come in handy when he finds himself in Antarctica or Africa or in the boardroom or even in the classroom teaching and mentoring a new generation of image makers which he has done extensively.
Andrew has recently founded a new non-profit which creates education programs focused on wildlife conservation for local audiences in Africa. www.maonoconservation.org is focused on reducing human/wildlife conflict, the consumption of bushmeat, and the illegal trade in wildlife. It kicked off in February of 2023.
It's really all about these three words. CREATE every time you can. COLLABORATE with everyone you can. CONTRIBUTE everywhere you can. Thanks for stopping by and let's work together sometime!